console.warn("This is a warning message!");
console.error("This is an error message!");
console.assert(10 == (5+6));
document.write("Hello World!");
console.log("Hello World!");
alert("Welcome to my JS tutorial website!");
is something related to old JavaScript. But it will work fine.
is good because it has good memory management. The scope of let
is temporary and can only be used within {}.
lets you create a constant variable whose value cannot be altered.
var str = "I am a String";
var num = 56;
var deci = 99.99;
console.log(num, deci);
var val1 = true;
var val2 = false;
console.log(val1, val2);
var undf = undefined; // Declaring explictly
var undF;
console.log(undf, undF);
var n = null;
Symbol('') // High level JavaScript
var arr = [1, 2.2, "I Love You"];
console.log(arr, arr[2]);
var phonebook = {
"Shehroz": 123,
"Saad": 789,
"Sameer": 456
var a = 99.9;
var b = 56.56;
console.log("The value of a + b is", a + b);
console.log("The value of a - b is", a - b);
console.log("The value of a * b is", a * b);
console.log("The value of a / b is", a / b);
var c = a;
c += b;
c -= b;
c *= b;
c /= b;
console.log(a > b);
console.log(a < b);
console.log(a >= b);
console.log(a <= b);
console.log(a != b);
console.log(false && false);
console.log(true && false);
console.log(false && true);
console.log(true && true);
console.log(false || false);
console.log(true || false);
console.log(false || true);
console.log(true || true);
, else if
and else
to execute different conditions.
var a = 10;
var b = 10;
console.log("\nValue of a is", a, "\nValue of b is", b, "\nAnswer is ")
if (a == b){
console.log("Both values are equal!")
console.log("Both values are not equal!")
if (a < b){
console.log("Yes! a is less than b");
if (b > a){
console.log("Obviously! b is greater than a");
else if (a > b){
console.log("No a is greater than b")
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
let j = 0;
while (j < names.length) {
j = j + 1
let k = 0;
do {
while (k < names.length);
keyword along with name of the function and
with n number of parameters or arguements it accepts. Simply use {}
to write down inside the function.
Use return
keyword to return a value from a function.
function avg(a, b) {
ans = (a + b) / 2;
return ans;
c = avg(3, 5);
console.log("Average of 3 and 5 is", c);
MyArr = [1, 2, 3];
MyArr.length; // Check length of the array
MyArr.shift(); // Removes first element from the array
MyArr.pop(); // Removes last item from the array
MyArr.push(4); // Adds new item to the array
MyArr.unshift(0); // Adds new item at first index of an array
MyArr.sort() // Sorts an array (sorts an array alphabetically)
MyArr.toString() // Returns an array as a complete string
break // To terminate the whole loop
continue // To skip an iteration